Monday, November 25, 2019

Green ideas and ideologies

in German published 2018-11
Green Aberrations

Huge amounts of plastic pollute the seas. This must be stopped! But how?
Most of the stranded plastic from ships ends up on the beaches in Europe.
All ships had to pay a waste fee up in the ports of the EU states until now, regardless of the quantity.
They receive a quantity limit for that. If a ship wants to deliver more waste, it has to pay an additional fee. This of course leads to the temptation to dispose of the surplus waste illegally in the sea.
Under a new proposal for a directive, ships can dispose of waste without quantity limitations. The ports would have to charge higher fixed fees for this and offer resistance, because this would lead to a competitive disadvantage.
But these new directives need to enter into force as soon as possible if we seriously want to stop pollution of the seas.
I heard about this new directive only once in the media.
Instead, the media spread dozens of articles arguing for adding charges for the use of plastic bags and suggesting that this would do something to clean up the seas. But I suspect that in Europe hardly a thousandth of these plastic bags ends up in the sea.
This is pure grandstanding.
It isn't attractive for the media to report on port reception facilities for ship-generated waste. They prefer to report on laws that restrict the use of plastic items and thus serve the syndrome of “saving and renouncing” that is anchored in the emotions of every human being.
Apart from that, of course, I am also in favor of everyone's personal commitment to the sustainable use of our resources.

Heating with wood is climate neutral. That is only half the story!
          Leaves, branches and tree trunks rot in the forest and form humus. The humus itself is slowly degraded by bacteria (mineralization).
In a natural forest, the humus layer always remains the same height. There is a balance. The amount of humus formed from new biomass is the same as the humus broken down by mineralization.
If wood is removed from the forest on a regular basis, a new balance is created, the humus layer becomes thinner, and humus as a CO2 store decreases.
There are several thousand billion tons of carbon bound in the top soil layer of the world, more than in the earth's atmosphere and the entire earth's vegetation combined.
The humus is a very important carbon sink, which is also significantly reduced today by intensive agriculture and slash-and-burn.

Solar Energy
Photovoltaics is a fascinating technology that can generate almost unlimited Energy.
But the use of solar energy still has a lot of Problems.
In Zurich the sun shines on average 6.8 hours in July, but only 1.4 hours in January (
However, energy consumption is highest in January and lowest in July.
The feed-in compensation is the same in winter and summer.
That's unrealistic! The feed-in compensation has to be higher in winter than in summer!
Short and long-term storage are needed.
Power-to-gas plants are promising, but the stored energy is still too expensive today.
When the recovered methane is converted back into electricity with a gas turbine, the overall efficiency is only 30%.

Global warming
CO2 emissions have to be reduced.
The CO2 emissions in tons per person per year varies widely across countries.                      

Qatar 40.4
USA 16.5
Germany 9.4
India 1.6 (rising rapidly)
Republic of the Congo 0.5

Reduction of consumption can reduce the CO2 emissions per person.                        
Global CO2 emissions are the product of individual CO2 emissions times the number of people in the world.

CO2 emissions of single individual  x  Number of individuals in the world = Worldwide CO2 emissions

The world population is therefore as important as the emission per person.
But this fact is taboo for most Greens.
Every 12 years the world population grows by 1 billion people.
There is no point in reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by one-third if, at the same time, the world's population increases by a third.
The increase of the world population should be slowed down by voluntary family planning.
Greenpeace, the WWF and most conservation organizations are silent about these relationships, and you could be considered a racist if you talk about it. Those responsible are too cowardly and would prefer to let the world go to ruin.
Ideologues and religious adherents have difficulty dealing with the topic of population growth.

Species extinction
Experts estimate that between 50 and 150 species per day disappear irretrievably from the earth.
A large part of the animal and plant species will disappear in the coming decades.
The only way you can fail to see that the main cause of species extinction is population growth is by wearing ideological blinders.

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