Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Does the world improve/worsen without ideologies and religions

Violence causes the biggest disasters in the world.
      Anyone who defends the beliefs of an ideology or religion is partly responsible for ensuring that no acts of violence are committed in the name of their worldview.
Every Muslim must make it clear to like-minded and different believers that he opposes Jihadists.
Every Jew must take a stance against moving the borders of Israel.
Every Christian must admit that terrible crimes have been committed in the name of his faith. Every Christian must be aware that the biblical passages that condemn homosexuality cause huge problems for homosexuals - even up persecution.
Every Catholic must distance himself from the negative attitude of the Catholic Church and Caritas towards family planning in developing countries, as this leads to hunger, misery and violence.

Every social democrat should distance himself from the class struggle. Struggle leads to conflict and strife, after all. Social democrats must clearly distance themselves from violent left-wing extremist groups.
All parties that are to the right of the center must clearly distinguish themselves from right-wing extremist groups so that the atrocities of the Nazis can no longer be repeated.
It is certainly undisputed that all ideologies and religions have already been an origin of acts of violence.

B u t - do people without religion and ideologies simply become selfish and egoistical? Don't the morals decay? Doesn’t the social inequality worsen even more?
The influence of the churches fell drastically in the 1960s. However, the statistics reveal that the number of thefts among the local population has not increased.
The non-religious also try hard to get along well with their colleagues and circle of friends. In a tension-free environment, most people realize that their own selfishness usually harms them. We continue to love our neighbor because we, too, want to be loved by our fellow human beings and not because a moral code dictates this.
Divorces have certainly increased, but was it better, in the past, when people reluctantly persevered in marriage? I suspect that pro rata the consensual divorces have increased.
Those who openly confess the Christian faith must be aware that their way of life is judged critically by their fellow human beings. When a certain discrepancy becomes substantial, he is justifiably marked as a hypocrite. The sad examples include Catholic priests who assault children.
The Catholic and the Reformed Churches are losing lots of members.
The number of people without a denomination has risen sharply.
Only a few Catholics and Reformed (or Protestants) are still convinced that their faith alone create bliss. As a result, their churches lose some of their force and momentum for one, yet on the other hand their faith no longer leads to conflicts. Catholics and Reformed people today live without conflict with each other and with people of other faiths.
All churches benefit from the fact that people feel comfortable in the fellowship of like-minded people.
The same applies to clubs of all kinds, but also to parties and political groups.
              Most Europeans will agree that the world has not become worse with religious communities that are weaker or less forceful.
But can one then derive by analogy that the world will not become worse without socialism? Or is the Left’s fear that without class struggle the weaker will lose in our society a valid one?
Switzerland is a country where the wages of the low earners are as high as hardly any other country, although class struggle has been less important than in most other countries.
The functioning social partnership is a hallmark of the Swiss success model.
Just as religious people realize that their own egoism mostly harms them, politicians that are free of any ideology can realize that everyone is better if low earners also do well.

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