Friday, August 21, 2020

Is there a right to assisted suicide?

Our society continues to grow older. Medicine makes it possible to postpone death, but it often fails to keep life worth living until the end.
Man has the right of self-determination even over the time of his death. I have a right to live, but also a right to die, once my life is no longer worth living.

A difference is made between different forms of assisted suicide (euthanasia).

Passively assisted suicide
In the case of passively assisted suicide, life-sustaining measures are ended. This is done with the consent of the affected person or their family members.

Indirectly assisted suicide
Indirect euthanasia refers to the administration of pain-relieving or consciousness-clouding medication. The person concerned wants this treatment or made such declaration in a Patient’s Provision.

Attended suicide 
This refers to obtaining lethal medication for the person willing to die. The person concerned still needs to take the drug themselves.

Actively assisted suicide
Also called killing on request, it is only permitted in a few countries. In the case of active euthanasia, the patient is administered a lethal injection at their request, e.g. by a physician.

Assisted suicide is permitted in an increasing number of countries. However, most religious communities disapprove of euthanasia.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church condemns “assisted suicide”.
2277 An act or omission which, of its own accord or with the intention of death, in order to put an end to pain, is murder, a grave offence against human dignity and against the respect owed to the living God, the Creator.
2278 Morality does not demand therapy at any price. It may be justified to discontinue costly and dangerous medical procedures that are extraordinary or disproportionate to the result that is hoped for. The intention is not to cause death, but one simply accepts that it cannot be prevented.
       I couldn’t find anything in the Bible that directly condemns suicide.

Islam also does not permit assisted suicide. What is more, Islam states that man is created to endure difficulties and hardship. It is not permitted to free a person from suffering or pain by means of death.

Every country should determine the conditions under which euthanasia is possible and must not allow representatives of religious communities to make these decisions for them.

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